Коледни истории сътвори Георги Господинов

0 6654 21.12.2007
Коледни истории сътвори Георги Господинов

На пръв поглед три коледни истории е разказал Георги Господинов в новата си книга, но всъщност те са седем, представени доста оригинално. Предназначени са за вярващите в Коледа и в чудеса.

The name of Angel Donchev has been related to dark affairs for a term. In his report some two years ago Kamen Sitnilsky states that the Supreme Prosecusion of Cassation ruthlessly interfered in the work of subordinate prosecutors and took over their cases in court without any legal grounds.

According to the same report, one of the most scandalous cases is the court procedure against the ex- boss of Sofia Customs Margarita Petzanova and her accomplice Plamen Zhivkov. The duo caused infringement of over BGN 9 million, according to expert calculations. Both of them were poaching, causing loses to the state treasury in a total of 5 cases, not issuing bank quarantines on time.  The Supreme Cassation Prosecution terminated the legal procedure after the accusation protocol of the Sofia Prosecution was submitted at the court. Such insolence and ruthlessness are typical for magistrates, who are under a political umbrella and are acting on somebody else’s orders, their colleagues are positive. On 20th 2006, just 2 days before Nicola Filtchev left his position as a Chief Prosecutor, Angel Donchev issues a decree for abandoning the prosecution against Petzanova and Zhivkov. This act makes it virtually impossible to recommence the court trial. The name of the present boss of the investigation office, then prosecutor Boyko Naidenov is also on the list in these scandalous activities.

Sources acquainted to the system suppose that Donchev will now find the way out by threatening high-ranking magistrates that he is going to reveal all the information about that dirty deal.

What we added:

During the scandal, which erupted this summer the then boss the Prosecution Angel Alexandrov accused Minister Roumen Ovcharov of threatening him with death. Magistratesshared the information with Frognews.bg, that the briefcases with money, circulating in the Prosecution and Investigation Offices outnumber those in the Customs. They also mentioned that entire files with cases are disappearing, taken from the investigators and prosecutors in charge, and the procedures are terminated without any explanation. They also say that well-known prosecutors and investigators targeted court cases of famous businessmen and companies, racketeering for huge sums.

Prosecutor of the Supreme Office of Cassation arrested for bribery and blackmailing

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